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A Caregiver's Prayers

    Dear Father, respect for the elderly starts right here, right now with my parent. Help me put my beliefs into practice.

Not My Parent
    Dear God, time is passing too fast and it scares me. Help me to accept your time line.

The Sandwich Generation
    Sometimes my life feels like a tug of war, Lord. And I'm the rope.

    Dear God, I'm so tired. I'm so very tired. Sometimes I don't know what to do. I don't know how I can keep on going. I don't know how I can stop.

Married to the Caregiver
    Father, Son and Spirit, bless my marriage. Thank you for the love we share.



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YourAgingParent.com is a program of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.