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Dear Friends

Detail from San Damiano cross
Mary and John at the foot of the cross.
Detail from the Cross of San Damiano.

A Caregiver's Good Friday . . .
and Easter Sunday

Week of March 21, 2016
Prayer Requests

Dear Friends:

I wish you a blessed Holy Week 2016 and a happy and holy Easter. I know that you may not be able to attend services this year because of your caregiving obligations. It may help to realize, or remember, that what you're doing is a prayer -- a beautiful hymn -- and God is with you.

This Friday, Good Friday, is the day the Church remembers in a particular way the events surrounding Jesus' passion and death, including his asking St. John to become Mary's caregiver. It seems safe to assume that, among all John's emotions, was a concern that he didn't know what becoming the Blessed Mother's caregiver would entail.

The same with all caregivers. The same with you. When you accepted God's invitation to take care of your loved one, there probably was a mix of emotions. And, among them, was a concern that you didn't know what this new "vocation" would include.

Like John and Mary, you and your care-receiver began to move forward one day, one challenge, at a time. That's the way caregiving has always been. And always will be.

This week I also want to say a special word to caregivers or, rather, former caregivers, who are mourning the death of their care-receivers. As Catholics, as a people who believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting, our faith tells us we'll see our loved ones again. Someday -- to use a phrase attributed to St. Thomas More -- you and your loved ones "will merrily meet in heaven." And what a glorious reunion that will be!

You remain in my prayers.

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This week we're so pleased to welcome Marianne A. from Iowa, Diane P. from Texas, and Mary H. from the District of Columbia as the newest members of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver. Please keep them and their intentions in your prayers. They have promised to pray for you and yours.

And again this week we cordially invite you to join the Friends of St. John the Caregiver! (FSJC's programs include and You can find out more about becoming a member here.

No meetings, no dues. All we ask is that you pray for caregivers and those receiving care. Our members include caregivers, care-receivers, and those who support both (including quite a few former caregivers).

You can:

sign up on-line here

or call us toll-free at 1-800-392-JOHN (5646)

or print and mail an application form.

God bless you!


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